How Many Do I Have Left?

People… we struggle to find what gives us purpose, and to put our thoughts emotions and efforts into the important life affirming stuff in our own individual lives. We struggle because culture, yours included, is very very noisy and bossy about what each of us should and shouldn’t be giving a fuck about. As a direct result, we run around like chickens relieved of their heads trying to give a fuck about all that stuff, all the while being headless chickens scratching around looking for what chickens scratch around looking for… the stuff that sustains them and keeps them alive and thriving.

The solution is to put your head back on, and give a fuck about the things that ACTUALLY matter to YOU. You can most definitely hear what culture says you should and shouldn’t give a fuck about. But you can do much better when you scratch around with your head on looking for things that actually sustain you and keep you alive and thriving… give a fuck about that stuff first, THEN the stuff culture tells you to care about… but of that stuff, only give a fuck about the stuff that matters to YOU… put THOSE ahead of all the rest.

Simple, and yet hard to do. But so incredibly worth doing.

Your own life, your own happiness, your own virtues, your own inner peace, your own path all depend on you finding what to put your limited fucks into. Remember, in airplanes you’re told to put your own mask on BEFORE you try to help others. You’re told that because you’re useless at helping anyone when you’re dead simply because you didn’t put the same care into yourself that you were trying to put into others.

Your life and the value you bring to other people’s lives is equally or more as important as anything and everything culture tells you to give a fuck about.

Don’t miss out on the life you were born to live…. just don’t be a headless chicken scratching around anymore.




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