Welcome to my blog!

I think I started the life I live now when I was in my early to mid 50s. It was a time of physical and emothional upheaval in my life, and I longed for a better life. Right around then, I encountered Dr. Robert Glover’s impactful book No More Mr Nice Guy: A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love, Sex, and Life. As I read the book, I found myself saying “Holy shit… that’s me!” over and over again.

That’s when my life took a turn for the better, and gave me a clear awareness of why I wasn’t living the life I longed for, and how to turn that around to give myself a very different life with my constantly growing wealth of self acceptance, self-awareness, learning, making healthy relationship choices, and sexual self acceptance and sexual agency. I saw being able to shift my views on living my life with this new-to-me understanding as so impactful, so uplifting, and life enriching that I need to share it, encourage it. Eventually I began holding Living Room Sessions, and that gave life to this blog.

Since then, I’ve been busy reading about attachment theory, love languages, research articles, writing, non-normative relationship models, sexuality, sex related theory research, and philosophical viewpoints.

I hope you enjoy it. And please do send your comments!