Complete. Healthy. Happy. Human.

Let me start with an obvious fact. You were born. And like the round shape of the planet Earth, that’s a true fact, and now you’re living your life somewhere on this big ball we call home.

Now tell me… have you ever asked yourself why your life is even possible? The answer, of course, is that someone you hadn’t met before had an orgasm, and for the vast majority of us your mother was there too (hopefully enjoying herself.) So you see, you have this life of yours to live thanks to sexual attraction, sexual desire, sexual arousal, sexual pleasure, and sexual release. And it’s not the least bit surprising given that sexuality is the very core of our human nature.

So welcome to human life, complete with everything it brings with it, including your very own sexual nature! It’s exciting, sexy, and absolutely something to celebrate!

But, except for some of us, we don’t celebrate it, let alone accept it, all because our culture demands that we don’t, and when we do celebrate or accept it, culture punishes us with pain, shame, and suffering. Culture is so very caught up in telling us what’s acceptable and what’s not in our own personal sexuality, and what we’re supposed to do and not do with it.

Now why on earth does our culture demand that we suppress the very core of our human nature, as if it’s optional? It’s because our sexual nature is the one arena of life that we all have, and when it’s made wrong, as culture so convincingly does, we disbelieve our own sexual experiences and adopt the story culture is emphatically and convincingly telling us about the true facts and the false facts about sex, yours in particular. It’s so effective at it that we don’t really think about our own sexual nature very much at all, especially not about what it sounds like, feels like, tastes like… except for when we’re teenagers, and even then we don’t avoid the cultural pressure to date and mate like culture tells us we’re supposed to. Instead of living and experiencing the truth of our own individual sexual natures according to what we individually actually like, want, and crave, each of us gives up ownership and control of the most human part of ourselves.

I can’t help but ask… why does culture do that, and why do we succumb to it? And in the culture you live in, who wins and what do they win when you do disbelieve your own experiences of your own sexual nature and instead go along with what you’re told to believe about it..? Those are noble things to know. Entirely worth knowing.

Can you be a complete healthy happy human in control of your own sexual nature and your own expression of it? Or is it too late now, or is it too hard to do? Or is your sexual nature already a goner?

What if its not too late, or too hard, or a goner. What if convincing you that it is too late, too hard, and already a goner is part of culture’s influence and control of your sexual nature? What if?

There’s only way to know.

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