It’s Your Choice to Make

Science has proven that the human female is built for orgasm, and that her orgasm is not about making babies. Male orgasm is.

Female orgasm is about a lot… it’s psychological, emotional, physiological, spiritual, relating with herself and with others, self discovery, self development, self determination, self acceptance, receiving, personal expansion and growth, and much much more. Above all else, the one thing it’s about the most, is pleasure.

Women, you are this. It’s what you were born with.

All women, including you, have an intrinsic capacity for orgasm of such amazing variety… from tiny shivery ones lasting mere moments to many hours of body wracking pleasure, from feeling the delicate fluttery pleasure in your body to the deep and transformative pleasure of touching the face of God, from your own slow delicate touch to the ever increasing emotional heights of surrender and receiving.

But the society you live in has conspired to keep you from knowing and experiencing it because the embodied and empowered woman cannot so readily or easily be owned and controlled.

That social control and ownership of your body and your pleasure is over. We as a culture are charging the doors and forcing them open, tearing down the walls containing women, and are facing the truth of what we have done to women. Yes, TO women.

The time to retake ownership and control of your body, your pleasure, and your orgasm has come. Still, there are those who will work against you trying to prevent you from being able or willing to doing just that. But the choice is still yours to make. You can decide to be the embodied and empowered woman you actually are, to own and control your body, your orgasm, and your pleasure, or you can decide not to.

There is much to gain, healing to come, and your well deserved return to living the life you were born to live. And believe it or not, the state of your physical and emotional health, plus the state of our society’s health, rises from what you choose.

It’s your body. It’s your life. It’s your pleasure. It’s your choice. But I hope you choose to take your body, your pleasure and your orgasm back.

You don’t need to know what that looks like. That part will come to you. All that’s called for is your choice to take it back.

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